In this stressful modern life, Diabetes has been emerged as a health concern to major population in all over the world in few decades. Diabetes is a non-communicable disease but transferred from one generation to other. It is a metabolic syndrome, which leads to high blood sugar level and passing of glucose through urine due to non-absorption of blood glucose. It is a lifestyle disease which makes the life miserable if not treated with time and can lead to serious complications.
- Types of diabetes-
- Type -I diabetes
- Type- II diabetes
- Gestational diabetes
Type-I diabetes - It is an auto immune disorder, which develops mostly in children and youngsters. In this, the beta cells in pancreas, which produce insulin, are destroyed. There is no or less secretion of insulin.
Type- II diabetes – This is the most common type of diabetes. In this type, the pancreas secretes insulin but the body is not capable to use it appropriately. This may take a long period to develop.
Gestational diabetes- This type of diabetes develops in females during the pregnancy. Usually it disappears after delivery. The mother has possibility of having diabetes in later age.
Affects of Diabetes on nerves is known as neuropathy. The symptoms seen are numbness or tingling in the extremities, lack of excitement in penis or clitoris, diarrhea or constipation.
If diabetes left undiagnosed for a long period, it could lead to damage of Nerve (neuropathy), Retina (retinopathy), Kidney (nephropathy) and development of cardio vascular complications like high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke etc.
Affect of Diabetes on the skin – the main affect part is nerves and blood circulation which can lead to fungal and bacterial infections, slow rate of healing of wounds, loss of sensation in extremities, dry skin and diabetic foot.
Persons at risk of Type-II diabetes are -
For the management of diabetes, insulin is in practice. There are a number of cases increasing with drug intolerance, resistance to insulin administration. Ayurvedic treatment and lifestyle management is very much beneficial to such patients. As per modern aspects diabetes is a metabolic syndrome with symptoms such as hyperglycemia, central obesity, raised levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and low HDL values, neuropathy. Madhumeha can be compared with Diabetes. Madhumeha is categorized as ‘Yapya disease’ means (incurable) in Ayurveda. In term Sanskrit term Madhumeha, ‘madhu’ means ‘Honey’ same as in diabetes mellitus where ‘mellitus ’in Latin means ‘Honey’. Both Diabetes Mellitus and Madhumeha implicates metabolic disorders which includes disturbance in Carbohydrates (Kapha), Proteins (Mamsa) and Fats (Medas) in the body.
Since the Vedic period, Ayurveda recognizes diabetes with Prameha. In the classical texts of Ayurveda, Prameha is the term used for the group of symptoms such as increase of urine with or without increasing frequency of urination. Madhumeha referes to as the flow of sugar (sweet substance) from the body through urine.
Charaka samhita , an classical Ayurvedic text emphasizes on the importance of Prameha by including it in eight major disorders. The untreatable symptoms are clearly mentioned in the Charaka Samhita. This shows its prevalence and knowledge about it prognosis to the Ayurvedic deities was there since ages.
Charak classified diabetic patients according to their constitution as
According to Ayurveda, symptoms of Prameha are an increase in the production of urine with or without increasing frequency of micturition. The characteristic symptoms seen in all types of prameha are polyurea and turbidity in urine.
Aetiology of diabetes according to Ayurveda –
According to Ayurveda the factors responsible for diabetes:-
Congenital factors (Sahaja prameha) – this type corresponds to juvenile onset of diabetes. Caused due to some alteration in maternal or paternal genes. Correlated to type I diabetes.
Improper diet habits (Apathya nimittaja prameha )
Generally kapha dosha is vitiated in all types of prameha (urinary disorders) except in madhumeha in which vata is aggravated.The main etiological factors responsible for prameha are an abnormality in the body tissues such as body fat (medas), muscles (mansa), agni (digestive fire) and muscle fat (vasa).
Foods and lifestyle that increases kapha (watery energy of cohesion), medas (fat) and mootra (urine) are responsible for it such as -
Type- II diabetes – This is the most common type of diabetes. In this type, the pancreas secretes insulin but the body is not capable to use it appropriately. This may take a long period to develop.
Gestational diabetes- This type of diabetes develops in females during the pregnancy. Usually it disappears after delivery. The mother has possibility of having diabetes in later age.
- The most common symptoms of diabetes are :
- Excessive production or passage of urine (polyuria)
- Frequent micturition
- Excessive thirst (Polydipsia)
- Increased appetite (polyphagia)
- Weight loss
- Blurred Vision
- Burning sensation of palms and soles
- Tingling or pain in hands, feet or legs
- Wounds that take more time to heal
- Recurrent skin Infections
- Itching in Genital region
- Unexplained fatigue
Affects of Diabetes on nerves is known as neuropathy. The symptoms seen are numbness or tingling in the extremities, lack of excitement in penis or clitoris, diarrhea or constipation.
If diabetes left undiagnosed for a long period, it could lead to damage of Nerve (neuropathy), Retina (retinopathy), Kidney (nephropathy) and development of cardio vascular complications like high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke etc.
Affect of Diabetes on the skin – the main affect part is nerves and blood circulation which can lead to fungal and bacterial infections, slow rate of healing of wounds, loss of sensation in extremities, dry skin and diabetic foot.
Persons at risk of Type-II diabetes are -
- Obese
- Living a sedentary life
- Increased Age
- Improper diet
- Family history of diabetes
- Pancreatitis / Pancreatectomy
- Females suffering from PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)
- Mothers given birth to a heavy weight baby
- Monthly blood sugar (FBS, PP, Random)
- Urine
- Kidney Function test (RFT)
- Lipid profile
- Eye check up
- Echo
- Glycosylated Hb%
For the management of diabetes, insulin is in practice. There are a number of cases increasing with drug intolerance, resistance to insulin administration. Ayurvedic treatment and lifestyle management is very much beneficial to such patients. As per modern aspects diabetes is a metabolic syndrome with symptoms such as hyperglycemia, central obesity, raised levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and low HDL values, neuropathy. Madhumeha can be compared with Diabetes. Madhumeha is categorized as ‘Yapya disease’ means (incurable) in Ayurveda. In term Sanskrit term Madhumeha, ‘madhu’ means ‘Honey’ same as in diabetes mellitus where ‘mellitus ’in Latin means ‘Honey’. Both Diabetes Mellitus and Madhumeha implicates metabolic disorders which includes disturbance in Carbohydrates (Kapha), Proteins (Mamsa) and Fats (Medas) in the body.
Since the Vedic period, Ayurveda recognizes diabetes with Prameha. In the classical texts of Ayurveda, Prameha is the term used for the group of symptoms such as increase of urine with or without increasing frequency of urination. Madhumeha referes to as the flow of sugar (sweet substance) from the body through urine.
Charaka samhita , an classical Ayurvedic text emphasizes on the importance of Prameha by including it in eight major disorders. The untreatable symptoms are clearly mentioned in the Charaka Samhita. This shows its prevalence and knowledge about it prognosis to the Ayurvedic deities was there since ages.
Charak classified diabetic patients according to their constitution as
- Non–obese diabetic (Krusha)
- Obese diabetic (Sthula Pramehi)
- Due to vitiation/ predominance of kapha (Kaphaja prameha), which is again divided into 10 subtypes.
- Due to vitiation/ predominance of pitta (Pittaja prameha), which is further divided into 6 subtypes
- Due to vitiation/ predominance of vata (Vataja prameha), which is further divided into 4 subtypes
- Juvenile diabetes of children (due to unhealthy practices of parents and/or due to sins of past-birth
According to Ayurveda, symptoms of Prameha are an increase in the production of urine with or without increasing frequency of micturition. The characteristic symptoms seen in all types of prameha are polyurea and turbidity in urine.
Aetiology of diabetes according to Ayurveda –
According to Ayurveda the factors responsible for diabetes:-
Congenital factors (Sahaja prameha) – this type corresponds to juvenile onset of diabetes. Caused due to some alteration in maternal or paternal genes. Correlated to type I diabetes.
Improper diet habits (Apathya nimittaja prameha )
Generally kapha dosha is vitiated in all types of prameha (urinary disorders) except in madhumeha in which vata is aggravated.The main etiological factors responsible for prameha are an abnormality in the body tissues such as body fat (medas), muscles (mansa), agni (digestive fire) and muscle fat (vasa).
Foods and lifestyle that increases kapha (watery energy of cohesion), medas (fat) and mootra (urine) are responsible for it such as -
- Lack of exercise
- Sleeping in day time
- Improper food habits
- Excess sexual intercourse
- Suppression of natural urges
- General symptoms of Prameha
- Profuse sweating
- Foul smell from the body
- Feeling of tiredness
- Feeling of coating of something or heaviness of Hridaya and eyes
- Feeling of a coated tongue
- Heaviness in the body
- Excessive growth of hairs and nails
- Affinity towards cold
- Dryness palate and Throat
- Burning sensation of palms and soles
- Sweet taste in mouth
- Sweetness of urine
Kaphaj prameha
Loss of appetite
Excessive sleep
Cough and Cold
Heaviness in body
Pittaja prameha
Burning sensation
Increased Thirst
Hyper Acidity
Loose Motions
Lack of sleep
Pain in heart region
Vataja prameha
Pain in body
Wasting of muscles
Difficulty in breathing
Pain in Bladder and urethra
Prognosis of diabetes mentioned in Ayurveda-
Curable (Sadhya) –according to Ayurvedic principles some types of prameha are curable because the vitated dosha and the affected tissues (dushya) have the same properties e.g. kaphaja pramehas (urinary disorders), if onset of prameha diagnosed early, if prameha arises due to unhealthy lifestyle. Palliable (Yapya) – Pittaja prameha and some types of kaphaja prameha can be controlled with regular intake of ayurvedic treatment.Incurable (Asadhya) – hereditary diabetes and all types of vataja prameha are described as incurable in ayurvedic texts. According to classical texts of Ayurveda, all pramehas can become incurable (madhumeha) if left untreated.
According to Ayurveda the management of a diabetic patient must include-
Ayurvedic treatment is the best and deep seated treatment for diabetes. In NIDDM, the blood glucose level is effectively controlled within a month. Ayurvedic treatment also maintains the level by taking it regularly. For the management of Prameha herbs, which are bitter, pungent and astringent in taste, are helpful.
- Herbs effective in the management of diabetes –
- Momordica charantia (Bitter Gourd)
- Aegle marmelos (Bael)
- Embelica officinalis (Amala)
- Gymnema sylvestrae (Gurmar Leaves)
- Curcuma longa (Turmeric)
- Allium cepa (Onion)
- Vijaysar churna (Pterocarpus marsupium)
- Azadirachtha indica (Neem)
- Allium sativum (Garlic)
- Fenugreek
Some home remedies to cure diabetes-
- Take one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds, half teaspoon of turmeric and half teaspoon of white pepper. Make fine powder of it and take this in two divided doses in a day with water. Repeat this remedy for one month.
- Take equal quantity of neem leaves (dried), bitter gourd (karela), turmeric, Tinospora cordifolia (giloy) stem.
- Make powder of these; take 1 teaspoon of this powder twice a day with water one hour before meals.
- Make cold infusion of turmeric, triphala (the myrobalans) and Berberis aristata (daaru haldi) ; take 30 ml daily
- Take one teaspoonful of Aloe vera pulp and add a pinch of turmeric to it, blend it with a cup of warm water. Drink it daily in the morning empty stomach.
- Take fresh juice of leaves of Aegle marmelos (Beal) with pinch of black pepper daily once.
- Blend equal amount of stem of Tinospora cordifolia and fresh fruits of Emblica officinalis, pass it through a strainer and add a pinch of turmeric powder ; take 20ml of it daily twice.
For the proper management of diabetic patients there is need of-
- Diet routine
- Physical work out
- Therapeutic routine for Pacification vitiated Dosha.
- In Obese patients (NIDDM) – it can be controlled with proper diet and exercise.
- In lean patients (IDDM) - the nutritive treatment (Bringhana chikitsa) is required besides medicines and diet control.
- Panchkarma (Bio-purification) is beneficial for obese patients
Lifestyle management -
- Avoid sedentary lifestyle.
- Avoid junk food, aerated drinks , alcohol and smoking
- Avoid excess use of curd, meat juices of aquatic and wet land animals
Decrease stress and anxiety
- Don’t hold back natural urges like urine, defecation, thirst
- Regular physical activity like jogging, any type of sports etc.
- Chew the food properly for its proper digestion.
- Yoga is very much helpful.
- Take proper sleep
- Have a positive mental approach.
- All things which vitiates Kapha like dairy products, curd, new cereals
The yoga asana beneficial in diabetes -
- vajraasana
- mandukasana
- sarvangasana
- bhujangaasasana
- dhanurasana
- paschimottan asana
Diabetes care package of Planet Ayurveda : -
Planet Ayurveda offer an health care Diabetes pack including supplements in it- Madhumehantak churn, Karela, Fenugreek and Dia beta. This astonishing 100 percent herbal pack is free from side effects and balances vitiated doshas in body which are root cause for diabetes, hence promotes health.
Fenugreek known as mehti in hindi, which is widely used in kitchens in India. It is bitter in taste. It is rich source of fibre, protein, vitamin C and minerals. Seeds of fenugreek are beneficial to combat diabetes. A natural fibre present in it slows down the absorption of blood sugar. It also stimulates the production of insulin from pancreas. Planet Ayurveda formulated capsules of fenugreek which are easy to take.
Bitter gourd : (Momordica Charantia) normalizes blood sugar because of a compound present in it called charantin. It increases blood glucose consumptions by the peripheral tissues. Researches have shown that karela or bitter gourd is the best effective herbal remedy to combat diabetes. It plays a wonderful role in prevention and treatment of diabetes II (NIDDM). It is also effective in insulin resistant cases and prevents the complications of diabetes. Keeping in mind its bitterness planet ayurveda made capsulated form of bitter gourd, which makes it easy to take and gives wonderful results.
Madhumehantak churna is specially formulated by Planet Ayurveda for diabetic patients , which is a combination of anti diabetic herbs such as vijay saar,bitter gourd, gymnema sylvestrae, bilwa patra, giloy, jamun, amla, tulsi saptrangi, neem patra etc. Together these herbs bring glucose level normal and rejuvinates the body. It prevents the system from any complications of diabetes. It is very effective when taken one hour before meals.
Diabeta plus capsules are made from many hers which are known to be beneficial in diabetes. These capsules contain gudmaar, karela, vijay sar and saptrangi. These herbs collectively maintain the glucose level, rejuvenates the system, increase the stamina and relives fatigue.
Planet Ayurveda offer an health care Diabetes pack including supplements in it- Madhumehantak churn, Karela, Fenugreek and Dia beta. This astonishing 100 percent herbal pack is free from side effects and balances vitiated doshas in body which are root cause for diabetes, hence promotes health.
Fenugreek known as mehti in hindi, which is widely used in kitchens in India. It is bitter in taste. It is rich source of fibre, protein, vitamin C and minerals. Seeds of fenugreek are beneficial to combat diabetes. A natural fibre present in it slows down the absorption of blood sugar. It also stimulates the production of insulin from pancreas. Planet Ayurveda formulated capsules of fenugreek which are easy to take.
Bitter gourd : (Momordica Charantia) normalizes blood sugar because of a compound present in it called charantin. It increases blood glucose consumptions by the peripheral tissues. Researches have shown that karela or bitter gourd is the best effective herbal remedy to combat diabetes. It plays a wonderful role in prevention and treatment of diabetes II (NIDDM). It is also effective in insulin resistant cases and prevents the complications of diabetes. Keeping in mind its bitterness planet ayurveda made capsulated form of bitter gourd, which makes it easy to take and gives wonderful results.
Madhumehantak churna is specially formulated by Planet Ayurveda for diabetic patients , which is a combination of anti diabetic herbs such as vijay saar,bitter gourd, gymnema sylvestrae, bilwa patra, giloy, jamun, amla, tulsi saptrangi, neem patra etc. Together these herbs bring glucose level normal and rejuvinates the body. It prevents the system from any complications of diabetes. It is very effective when taken one hour before meals.
Diabeta plus capsules are made from many hers which are known to be beneficial in diabetes. These capsules contain gudmaar, karela, vijay sar and saptrangi. These herbs collectively maintain the glucose level, rejuvenates the system, increase the stamina and relives fatigue.
Fenugreek Capsules | Bittermelon Capsules | Diabetes Support | Madhu Mehantak Churna |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
$ 42.95 | $ 48.95 | $ 57.90 | $ 22.95 |
2 Bottles | 2 Bottles | 2 Bottles | 1 Bottle |
Total Price = $ 172.75 |
1 Month Supply = $ 150.00![]() |
2 Months Supply = $ 275.00![]() |
No side effects! Free Shipping and Handling Worldwide! |
Product | Dosage |
Fenugreek Capsules | 2 capsules twice daily |
Bittermelon Capsules | 2 capsules twice daily |
Diabetes Support | 2 capsules twice daily |
Madhu Mehantak Churna | 1 to 2 teaspoonful to tablespoonfuls twice daily |
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